This past weekend was the annual ISU celebration, VEISHEA!!  It's always a good time, whether you can "go out" or not :)  There are tons of family activites and we've had a lot of fun the past 3 years we've celebrated with Cade.  His favorite, and the biggest activity, is the parade.  We have had "our spot" the past 3 years and we love it.  I could complain about the unruly kids that stood RIGHT in front of our chairs and stole candy that landed in our personal spaces, but I won't because the last 2 family events we've had (see Easter Egg Hunting and Cade's First Recital) have had someone or something "ruin" things and I'm not ruining this memory :)  Let's just say next year, we're putting our chairs in the middle of the street and working our way back from there :)

The day starts bright and early with a pancake breakfast that starts at 8 am.  We usually try to get to campus as close to 8 as possible, park our cars, set up our chairs for the parade, then fill up on all-you-can-eat pancakes for $5.  Actually, I don't know if it's truly "all-you-can-eat" but you get to go back at least once and you get anywhere from 2-4 pancakes in one trip and that's all that I can eat!  Cade even got seconds!  We hit up some booths and tents set up on central campus on our way back to "our spot" and this year I answered a trivia question correctly to win a Cy tattoo for Cade.  Woohoo!!  The parade was great (about 1 1/2 hours long), even though this year they only had 3 real "floats" among all the entries!  Must be budget cuts, haha!  My mom, Cory's parents and the Otts joined us, so that was awesome!  Bridget and I had to humor ourselves with our "teacher talk" to the rude little kids in order to refrain from blowing our tops :)

After the parade we visited some of the open houses.  There was a petting zoo and a cow milking exhibit through the Pre-Vet college and of course Cade got to participate in that.  He didn't know what to think about actually milking the cow, but he did it!  To kill some time while we were waiting for the food lines to shorten (next year, we're getting our food BEFORE the parade ends!) we decided to see what the Psychology Club had set up and actually had some fun playing the games and doing the experiments they had set up.  After lunch Cory, Cade and I stopped by the ISU spring football game/practice.  The weather was GORGEOUS and it felt so nice sitting in the sun!!!  This year, my ritual of buying a blown glass pretty from the Gaffer's Guild didn't hold true, but I hope to take time to visit them next year.  I have some really cool, unique vases that I got 2 years ago (Cory broke the things I got last year before we even got home!) 

After we left the game, we headed back to campus to hit up the carnival.  We parked by the horse barns and saw that they were giving rides so of course we (I) HAD to have Cade do it!!!  He did really well...not scared or apprehensive at all!  At the carnival this year, he could actually go on all but one of the rides all by himself!  Of course, I couldn't ride anything (*tear) but Cory did go on the swinging boat with him - the one he was TERRIFIED of last year - and this year he liked MOST of it.  Mostly, just the first half :)  He wasn't "scared" persay, just didn't like the feeling in his stomach.  Overall, he LOVED the carnival of course, and like always, his tickets didn't last as long as he would have liked.

We finally got him convinced that we needed to go and we met up with my mom and sister at Applebee's for dinner.  After a late lunch, day of snacking and time in the sun, Cory and I were only able to split an appetizer sampler.  Not surprisingly, Cade got a full kids' meal and finished most of it :)  It's also not surprisng that all of us were ready to CRASH when we got home and without a nap that day, Cade went down very easily!  All in all, we love VEISHEA and can't wait until next year.  We're definitely taking notes to better our experiences each year and we're creating some pretty cool family memories and traditions!
Saturday, April 10 was Cade's first dance recital!  His class did a tap dance to "Animal Crackers In My Soup" from Shirly Temple and it was ADORABLE!  Cade was the only boy, front and center and got a little nervous walkig out on stage.  But after some coaxing by his teacher, he overcame his fears and did a pretty great job!  His class was definitely the best, all knowing what they were supposed to do and they looked great.  I give all credit to his teachers and I had heard very good things about the "lead" teacher he had so I was excited about that, but we will probably NEVER take lessons from Parks and Rec again...more to come on this topic!

The entire program only lasted about an hour (which was awesome) and was only younger kids.  The oldest class was probably around 10 years old, so it was kinda boring to watch at some points :)  The gymnastics instructors did a "routine" and I think I could've gotten on stage, 5 months pregnant and 10 years out of dance, and done AS MUCH if not MORE than what those "teachers" did!!  One of them even needed SPOTTED for a kick-over!!!  I couldn't believe it.  If I hadn't already pulled Cade out of the gymnastics program, I would definitely know to do it now!  I never really liked the way the gymnastics classes did things anyway, which brings me to my complaints about NEVER going back through Parks and Rec.....

The fact that the recital was extremely laid-back and "unprofessional" was completely fine with me because 1) Cade is young and it doesn't really matter and 2) he's a boy and probably won't last much longer anyway...we're just waiting for these ballet and tap techniques to help in basketball and football :)  Anyway, it was fine with me until I went upstairs to where all the kids were waiting for their turn to dance and I realized also how laid-back and unprofessional the supervision and care was.  First I should say, Cade usually has NO problems being independent, being around new people and doing his own thing.  Usually, I get more upset than he does.  So, I ignored my gut "mommy" feeling and left him right before 2:00 (when the recital was supposed to start) to go down to my seat.  I told him I would come back to check on him before his dance, and I did after the gymnastics section (around 2:20).  What I discovered still breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes.  The kids were running around like wild animals, not supervised or staying in their classes like suggested that they would be and Cade was sitting against the wall by himself, his shoe untied and muttering "Momma, momma" to himself.  I also noticed two other little girls in his class backed against the wall by themselves, wide-eyed and scared to death.  Also, a lot of their skirts had the ribbon ripping off the bottom and they had holes in the knees of their tights.  Now, I'm not at all a, "Oh my poor baby!" kind of mother, but I was PISSED!  I can't even describe what the room was like.  For his sake, I put a smile on my face and asked him in the most upbeat way how he was doing but as soon as he saw me, he dove into my arms, squeezed on with all his might and BAWLED!  I asked if he told a grown-up that he needed help or if a grown-up even talked to him at all...he said no.  I tried to perk him up and get a smile on his face because I knew his dance was coming up really soon!  Just then, a "helper" called out the name of his class to line up.  I told him it was time to go and he squeezed his legs and arms around me even harder!  At this point, I was fuming and if his teachers (who were at the stage helping their other classes) weren't so great, I would have walked him out right then.  Instead, I just said loud enough for the "helper" to hear me, "Oh don't worry buddy, I'm not going to leave you alone here again!"

I'm excited to be writing my first real blog on our website, but I'm not excited that our fun-filled family weekend is over :( 
We spent the first weekend of March 2010 in Council Bluffs and Omaha, going to a Disney on Ice show, a great restaurant and arcade called The Amazing Pizza Machine, the Omaha Zoo and I can't forget our super nice hotel!  We definitely had a ton of fun and I hope it's something Cade remembers for a long time.

We left Ames Saturday morning at 8:00 am to get to Council Bluffs for Disney on Ice at 11:00.  Of course, the first thing we had to do first was check out all the vendors set up outside the arena.  With all the lights and music, Cade couldn't wipe the smile off his face.  I think he thought THIS was the show!  We had to get a little something, even though most of it was overpriced and cheaply made.  Cade settled on a Buzz Lightyear toy for $12 whose paint will probably chip off within a month or so.  He loved playing with it before the show though.  I also had to get a big book program for him to keep and we got a picture of him next to a Woody & Buzz prop.  We also had to get some snacks of course, and Cade loved the popcorn.  He doesn't like cotton candy so much (the texture throws him off) but he LOVED he foam Nemo hat that came with it!

With our tickets, we got a free Kodak one-use camera for Cade to take his own pictures.  I'm excited to get them developed and he's actually a very good photographer for only being 3 so I hope at least a few turn out!  We had front row seats which I was super excited about, but they were RIGHT next to the castle backdrop, all the way at one end of the ice, which happened to be the BACK of the performing area.  All the big stuff happened on the other end of the ice and most of the time the actors faced the other direction too.  Towards the end of the 2-hour show, Cade started to get tired and bored (the only characters and movies/shows he's seen were Mickey Mouse and Friends, Finding Nemo and The Incredibles.  Overall though, I think he enjoyed the show.